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South Africa Product - South African Diamond

Diamond culet

The diamond culet refers to the lowest part of the pavilion of the precious stone. It is pronounced as "gue let". The demand in Asia for the closed culet where the cutter thus closes the culet has changed the way grading has been done. Previously this practice would have led to down grading of the precious stone if it was closed. Some cultures frown upon an open culet because of their superstition. Many of the cultures in the East see it as pure evil to have it open since it paves the way for evil spirits to enter the precious stone.

Diamonds have facets and the culet is one of them. When buying one of the cut precious stone you will also need to look at the diamond culet size which is listed on a certificate. The best is to opt for one with a pointed diamond culet or one as small as possible to ensure that it cannot be seen without a special tool. The blunted point should thus only have a small facet.

Grading 0 will indicate the best. Those with too large culets will mean that the culet will be visible through the table facet. Older cut diamonds often have larger culets, but with the advances in technology you can now get the perfect cut. The N range indicates no diamond culet whilst the P range indicates pointed and the V range includes the very small. Then there is also the M range that indicates medium and the L for large whilst the VL and EL range should preferably be side stepped for a ring. Contact us for the perfect precious stone set in a well designed ring.